



Will handle up to 250 watts SSB or CW on 1.8 – 30 MHz, and 100 watts on 54 MHz.

It features LDG’s state-of-the-art, processor-controlled Switched-L tuner. It will match virtually any kind of coax-fed antenna, including Yagis, dipoles, inverted Vs, slopers, loops, just about anything. It will typically match a 10:1 SWR down to 1.5:1 in just a few seconds. You can also use the AT-200 with longwires, random wires and antennas fed with ladder line with the optional LDG balun.

The AT-200 features over 16,000 3D memories, automatically storing tuning data for frequencies and bands as you use them. When you transmit on or near a frequency you’ve used before, the AT-200 can restore the tuning data almost instantly. It learns as you use it, adapting itself to your operating patterns for faster and faster tuning. The 3D memory system allows up to eight antenna settings to be stored for each frequency.

Operation couldn’t be simpler: while transmitting a carrier, just press the Tune button. An automatic tuning cycle will begin, then end a few seconds later with the tuner set at the lowest SWR (almost instant for frequencies stored in memory). Included interface cables for Icom make the entire tuning process a one-button operation.