



Dual meter system provides two 4.5” meters, one for the Main receiver and one for the Sub. Made exclusively for the Icom IC-7800.

The lush meter faces are LED back-illuminated in cool, high-visibility blue, drawing only 20 – 60 ma (depending on brightness setting) with a brightness control on the back.

There are separate calibration adjustments for Main and Sub accessible from the back of the DM-7800; you don’t have to take the meter apart to cal. A provided cable connects to your rig, and the radio menu lets you select functions for each meter. What’s more, the DM-7800 and the virtual meters on your radio can work together; for example, you can display SWR on the radio’s meter and power output on the DM-7800. On receive, the S-meter reading is shown.

The DM-7800 is 9.7 x 4 x 4 inches, and requires power only for the lights; the meters themselves are passive. The case is textured black, a great match for the IC-7800.


– Seven individual scales: S-Meter, Id, Po, SWR, Comp, Vd, ALC
– Size: 4.0 x 4.0 x 9.7 inches
– Cable length 3 feet
– Sensitive 500 uA meter movement
– Externally powered cool blue backlighting
– Backlighting is 12 volts, 250 mA max
– Weight: 1 lb.